Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Beware of Tow Trucks

Temescal Plaza has a parking lot that generally makes it pretty convenient to shop in Temescal. HOWEVER, they are now enforcing the TWO HOUR TIME LIMIT. Meaning, they are chalking and towing every two hours until 6pm, and towing any cars left overnight. I should know, it happened to me!
So if you think your business in in our little Temescal district is going to take more than two hours, please find street parking. It'll be easier than going to the tow yard off 106th Ave. and paying them $300+ to release your car. By the way, please don't get mad at the towing company guys, they're just doing their jobs.

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Oakland, CA, United States
Chronicles of a novice kids' clothing shop owner and mother in the Temescal neighborhood of Oakland. Ruby's Garden Kidwear & Flower Shop rocks my world.