It was another packed house Friday night at our 3rd Annual Pumpkin Party! By the time Jennifer Ackerman's beautiful singing began at 6:30, the room was already filled with grown-ups and kids playing and eating sandwiches and downing four dozen pumpkin cupcakes by Celeste Cooper, a.k.a The Cake Ladies. Ruby loved having kindergarten classmates at "her store;" Zoe Quinn & Ruby created a new pumpkin display involving hay scattered in piles on the carpet. After the cupcakes & candy corn, kids got to choose a sugar pie pumpkin to take home, each bedecked with a recipe for pumpkin bread.
Thanks to all of you who made it to the party! Mary and I had a great time seeing you and hope you all had a great time. I'll post photos as soon as I can get mine downloaded. And keep an eye out for the next party announcement, another Mama's Night Out in November. Just in time for kicking off the holiday season...champagne & massages anyone?
Thanks to all of you who made it to the party! Mary and I had a great time seeing you and hope you all had a great time. I'll post photos as soon as I can get mine downloaded. And keep an eye out for the next party announcement, another Mama's Night Out in November. Just in time for kicking off the holiday season...champagne & massages anyone?